From beginner to Full Stack Developer

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js, and backend.
Join me as I dig deep into the dungeons of code!

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

All areas of being a Full Stack Developer covered

From changing diapers to implementing CSS grid - I got You covered!

  • Career

    How I'm progressing, how I'm applying for roles, freelance jobs, and much more!

  • The technical side of things

    Backend, frontend, data structures, laptops, PCs, and everything else that goes into being a developer!

  • Code, code, and more code

    Ever wondered how You can make a button on Your website bounce? Well, look no further - I got You covered. And I will share more advanced stuff like Web App APIs...

  • Leisure time

    Want to know how a developer rests and whay they do during their downtime? Meditation, music, exercise - and the secret ingredient to true relaxation...

  • Personal life

    What it's like to be a developer, spouse, and parent? All at the same time...

  • Goal setting

    Learn how I set goals and my process behind it. It's much more simple (yet harder to do) than You think!

Itching to code?

Start by pressing that orange button on the right.