How to Automatically Save Outlook Emails as Text Files with PowerShell

Save Outlook Emails as Text Files effortlessly using PowerShell to automate the archiving process. In the vast digital workspace, managing an overflowing inbox can be a daunting task for professionals across all sectors. The need to efficiently archive important emails for compliance, reference, or decluttering purposes is more pressing than ever.

Automation, specifically through PowerShell, provides a powerful solution to this common problem. This blog post will guide you through the process of utilizing PowerShell to transform your email management strategy by saving Microsoft Outlook emails as text files and simplifying the way you organize and access your digital correspondence.

Why Save Emails as Text Files?

Save Outlook Emails as Text Files
I was truly overwhelmed with the manual labour. The only solution – to automate!

I recently had to save hundreds of emails from Outlook as .txt files so manually doing so wasn’t an option.

In addition, I was potentially facing this task every year so I wanted an automated solution.

But in general, saving emails as text files offers several benefits. It makes your emails more accessible, as text files can be opened on any device without the need for specialized software. As was the case for me. The other company couldn’t open Outlook files on their Macs properly.

This format also facilitates easier archiving and organizing, allowing for quick searches through large volumes of text.

Moreover, text files are universally compatible across different systems and platforms, ensuring that your saved emails remain readable regardless of the technology you’re using in the future.

Tools and Prerequisites

Before we get started, you’ll need to have Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer. A basic understanding of PowerShell scripting is also beneficial, though my guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Ensure you have the necessary permissions on your system to run PowerShell scripts, as some settings may restrict script execution for security reasons.

The Full Script to Save Outlook Emails as Text Files with PowerShell

For those of you who don’t want to go through the script in detail, here’s the full script:

# Create an instance of Outlook
$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
$namespace = $outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

# Select the folder you want to export from
$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox)
$folder = $inbox.Folders.Item("SomeFolderUnderYourInbox") # Because I had the emails under a subfolder, we need to get it first.

# Define the start date
$startDate = Get-Date -Year 2022 -Month 1 -Day 1

# Loop through each item in the folder
foreach ($item in $folder.Items) {
    # Check if the item is a mail item and was received on or after the start date
    if ($item -is [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem] -and $item.ReceivedTime -ge $startDate) {
        # Clean up the subject to use as a filename
        $subject = $item.Subject -replace '[\\/:"*?<>|]', '_' # Replacing the special characters with _

        # Format the received date to use in the filename
        $receivedDate = $item.ReceivedTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")

        # Specify the path and filename for the .txt file
        $txtPath = "C:\Users\YourFolder" + $receivedDate + "_" + $subject + ".txt" # Adding also the date, subject and the file extension

        # Try to save the mail item as a .txt file
        try {
            $item.SaveAs($txtPath, [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType]::olTXT)
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Failed to save mail item '$($item.Subject)': $($_.Exception.Message)"

Make sure you change file paths and names accordingly! As well as the folder in Outlook.

Step-by-Step Guide to the PowerShell Script to Save Outlook Emails as Text Files

Let’s break down the PowerShell script that automates the process of saving Outlook emails as text files. The script is structured to be both efficient and easy to understand, even for those with limited scripting experience.

Creating an Outlook Instance

The script begins by creating an instance of Outlook through COM objects. This allows PowerShell to interact directly with Outlook, accessing your emails and their properties.

$outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application $namespace = $outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Selecting the Email Folder

You can specify the folder from which you want to export emails. If your target emails are in a specific subfolder within your inbox, the script can navigate directly to it.

$inbox = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox) $folder = $inbox.Folders.Item("SomeFolderUnderYourInbox")

Filtering Emails by Date

The script allows you to filter emails based on when they were received, using a start date you define. This ensures only relevant emails from a specific timeframe are processed.

$startDate = Get-Date -Year 2022 -Month 1 -Day 1

Looping Through and Saving Emails

The core of the script iterates over each email in the specified folder, checking if it’s a mail item and if it was received after the start date. It then formats the filename using the email’s subject and received date, replacing any special characters that are not allowed in filenames.

foreach ($item in $folder.Items) { if ($item -is [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem] -and $item.ReceivedTime -ge $startDate) { $subject = $item.Subject -replace '[\\/:"*?<>|]', '_' $receivedDate = $item.ReceivedTime.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") $txtPath = "C:\Users\YourFolder" + $receivedDate + "_" + $subject + ".txt" $item.SaveAs($txtPath, [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlSaveAsType]::olTXT) } }

Handling Special Characters and Errors

The script takes into account the limitation of filenames in Windows, sanitizing the email subject to remove any characters that could lead to errors. It also includes error handling to provide feedback if saving an email fails for any reason.

Customization Tips

Save Outlook Emails as Text Files
This is how it looked like when I had finished the script. Emails flying everywhere.

This script can be customized to fit your specific requirements. Consider modifying the folder path to target different locations within your Outlook, adjusting the date filter to encompass different time periods, or even changing the save format from text to another format supported by Outlook.


  • How can I modify the script for emails in subfolders? Adjust the $folder variable to navigate to the specific subfolder by changing the .Item("SomeFolderUnderYourInbox") part of the script.
  • What if the script doesn’t run on my system? Check your PowerShell execution policy and ensure you have the necessary permissions to run scripts.
  • Can I automate this script to run at scheduled times? Yes, you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to run the PowerShell script at regular intervals.

By following this guide, you’re now equipped to automate saving your Outlook emails as text files, enhancing your productivity and email organization.

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